maanantai 23. kesäkuuta 2014

Where We Lie [Avengers, Loki/Tony Stark, NC-17]

Where We Lie by Runic
He had been Tony Stark: genius, billionaire, Iron Man, the lover of a god. Now the simulation had ended and he had woken up. Now he had to go back to being Tony Stark: the engineering professor with a suburban two story house, PT Cruiser, a cat, and a failed marriage.
Okey.. I need to give you some reason to read this.. I just dont know. Really.

This isnt anything fantastic or special (except the plot maybe) and the writing isn't that special or different, but this ain't bad either. This is good, just not perfect (well nothing is perfect but you get the point). And that is the problem.

Okey. Maybe the way the fic ended or built the whole ending scene is special and good and really, really different. And that could be possibly the only reason to read this. The journey to that point is also really good so you wouldn't be wasting your time.

So. Do I really have to say that this fic is above the whle average thing but ain't anything really special.. ? I don't wanna say that. Seriously. So. Okey. You can decide that. Comment below, anything you want about the fic, is it good or bad and why. Because I don't seriously know.

Ou. You probably wanna know something about the plot. Well. Tony "travels" in two different univers and he doesn't actually know which one is real. In the other one he is happy with Loki and in the other one he is just about to take a divorce from Loki. So its mostly about how Tony tries to understand which one is real and how he can fix things in the other universe and make his life better in case it is the right one.

Yeaa. So comments, please. He.

keskiviikko 18. kesäkuuta 2014

Of cologne, alcohol and why the hell aren't you wearing a suit today [James Bond, James Bond/Q]

Of cologne, alcohol and why the hell aren't you wearing a suit today by IAmNotOneOfThem
He recognised Eve by her hair, and by her skin, the way she radiated warmth and mostly smelled of cupcakes when she came down to Q-branch. He knew M by the way he walked, and he had known the old M by her body posture. Bond smelled of cologne, the faint scent of alcohol, and he always wore suits.

Faces, Q thought, were nothing but a social convention, and he could very well survive without them, thank you.

(Or in which Q suffers from Prosopagnosia, but he doesn't really suffer because of it)
Im getting addicted to this fics where they have some kinda "illness" or "disability" or whatever is the right word. The only problem is I have no idea what word I should be using about that special need. Because, lets be honest, every single word sounds kinda disgrading and making the whole person look like they are below other people.

But the whole thing is about how Q has prosopagnosia and how he survives with it through his life. And this is actually a series but Im too lazy to link all the urls but I think everyone can find the series links if they want. Yeaa. So the other parts are about the same thing but I seriously hope you are smart enough to find them on your own, yeb.

Still the whole point, the reason why I loved this one so much (or why I love these kinda fics so much) is because they actually make you understand that whole "illness" better (still not sure about that word) and I get this whole feeling that thats how they survive and recognise people. I can be wrong, the writers can be wrong but that is just how I feel.

Okey. Maybe there is one other reason which is all about how the characters aren't so perfect when they have this kinda "disability" or something because they have to fight to survive normal things in life and they don't get things free. Like how Q can just forget people because he can't remember faces or how he didn't recognice Bond in different clothes. Small things that somehow are bigger than life. Yea. I love that. Seriously.

What Im asking is that you give change to this fic too and see all the things I loved about this because totally worth it. Seriously. Read this.

perjantai 13. kesäkuuta 2014

tirami sù [James Bond, James Bond/Q, NC-17]

tirami sù by fangirlflail
James runs a tight operation at Skyfall, Chicago’s finest steakhouse. So when his niece and new sous-chef turn everything upside down...
I can kinda sum this hole thing up with the word different. Because, first of all, Vesper isn't James' ex or the dead love of his live or any shit like that, second of all, this has nothing to with UK, like fucking seriously, this is all happening in USA (Boston) and the the third thing is how they are all working for a restaurant. Yep. So the word today is different.

Now when I really think about it, there isn't so many AU fics where they don't at least have some part of them working for UK goverment (or something like that). I have spent the last two months reading mostly only James Bond fiction and this is probably the third fic with different world and background. No kidding.

But to be serious after that. I don't wanna say that this is awesome and perfect and shit like that because neither one of those were the reasons why I even finished the whole thing. I just got addicted how the people were reacting to each other and the reasoning behind their reactions. Q isn't just Q because his name starts with Q and thats it. There is reason why his nickname is Q and why he prefers it over his name.

There are also all the things James has to come together and understand and the whole pareting thing. It all just feels like this is what the life could be. Mistakes, errors, learning, trying to find the middle ground and then probably something that someone could call happiness. Yea. And I really liked all about that. I also liked how Vesper just didn't get over her mom's dead like that but it was slow progress and it showed.

And thats it. Thats the fic and the things I liked. Now read it. Yup.

keskiviikko 11. kesäkuuta 2014

Identity [James Bond, James Bond7Q]

Identity by Jen (ConsultingWriters)
Q, the Quartermaster of MI6, has dissociative identity disorder.
Okey. Seriously. This hole thing I have about fics about different disorders is getting fucking ridiculous. Because seriously. These are just way too good.

So Q has a lot of different identities or personalities or what the fuck is the right word and Bond wants to date him but it's not as simple as that. The whole thing is pretty much how Bond discovered all Q's different personas (is that the right word?) and how he fell in love with every single one of those. Yea.

And its good cus every persona has its own problems (Bond can't have deep conversations with Xavier cus that is not how he works, the kids are nice and actually act like kids do and so on). And on top of that Q has his own problems too. So pretty much just Bond trying to understand how Q works and doing marvelous job with it. So read it. Seriously.

maanantai 9. kesäkuuta 2014

A Promise to M [James Bond, James Bond/Q]

A Promise to M by LadyRa
As M lies dying in Bond's arms, she makes him promise her something. As Bond tries to honor her request, he discovers a black cat, magic, and an unexpected future he could have never imagined.
Supernatural with information.. Totally my favorite kinda supernatural if I have to choose.

So. M is dead and no one knows how is gonna be next M and the whole MI6 in chaos and all Bond has is this bloody ceramic dog. He does some thinking and then Alec gets involved and then there is this weird guy in the middle of the forest.

I don't know if this is spoiling or something (do I have to put spoiler alert here ? probably. so spoiler alert starts here, skip if you think you are going to read the fic but don't wanna know that much about the fic ) but I really, really liked how Q's ability was to understand everything, know everything and how he had to bond to share that information with someone. The bonding was probably kinda predictable but not bad. Then how he didn't wanna it to end to wrong hands but wanted to have peace and help people, like help the world get peace. (spoiler alert ends here)

And then James. He was just so James. So loyal and still affraid of commiting. This one had probably the best version of James I have read. Like seriously. So. Im really, really gonna ask you to go to read this and left kudos and comments and all because this one deserves it. Seriously.

torstai 5. kesäkuuta 2014

The Story of You and Me [Supernatural, Castiel/Dean Winchester, NC-17]

The Story of You and Me by the_diggler
Dean wakes up in bed next to a very human Castiel, and a journal in his own handwriting that tells him it’s two years in the future. The house looks a lot like Bobby’s, and Sam lives there too… He just can’t remember how they got from angels falling in the sky – to comfortable domesticity.

While there is much in the journal Dean doesn’t remember, there is much of their story he’s always known. And as he settles into the routine of his new life and relationship with Castiel, it quickly becomes something he doesn’t know how to live without.

(Written for DCBB 2013. WARNING: There are fic SPOILERS in the comments.)
Where to start? No idea. Okey. Maybe Im gonna start with the fact that I had just finished watching the 8th season of Spn when I found this one. So it was kinda funny, nice or something to read this after that. Yea. And the second fact I wanna add is how you can guess what happens in this one but it doesn't bother or isnt anything bad for the fic. Its more like the good part of the whole fic. Yea.

Okey. So the whole thing s all about how Dean doesn't remember what happened and tries to understand how their life got to the point where it is right then. Sam tries to help and Cas is just there being Cas. Seriously. Cas is just so Cas sometimes (at least in the beging). But ofc there are things Dean just can't let pass and wants to investigate which is good and bad and stuff happens. After that.. Well read the fic if you wanna know.

 It's kinda hard for me to say what I liked in this one the most. Maybe that you could kinda guess what is gonna happen next or the ending how they reacted to the happenings. Or probably this was just that good that I can't point one single thing to be the best thing. And I hope that tells you enough of the whole thing because thats pretty much all I can say. Like really. So go and read this.

sunnuntai 1. kesäkuuta 2014

Sigh No More [James Bond, James Bond/Q]

Sigh No More by dhampir72
Bond wants nothing more than for someone, just once, to be waiting for him at the airport when he returns home.
This is different, like really, really different. This isnt about how these two get together or decide to be together. This is more like how these two need each other to function, to find a reason to keep living. And I can't find any better way to describle the whole fic.

The other part of this is character grow and how they figure things about themselves and about each other and how they try to understand all the information they are getting from each other. After that the whole fic and everyone in it are just so fragile and in so bad place without knowing how to get out of there. Really.

In the beging it is all about how Q can help Bond but in the end it is also about how Bond can help Q and the circle closes and begings all over again with different setting. Yea. Kinda. But kinda no. I don't know how to explain this one. This is just so out of ordinary fics where they fall in love, get together and are happily (or not) together the rest of their lifes (or until the other dies). One way could be saying that everyone thinks they are together but they aren't cuz they couldn't handle being together. Yea.

But you can still guess the ending and all that. Still the reason to read this is because this is so different to compared to other fics that that should be reason enough. Yup. Just read it. Its only about 20 000 words, no biggie. He.