torstai 14. kesäkuuta 2012

Yli kaiken [Tokio Hotel, TB, Drugs, Violence]

Yli kaiken by Ninnukka
Neljä nuorta menehtyi rajussa ulosajossa Güstrowin valtatiellä sunnuntain vastaisena yönä. Poliisin mukaan onnettomuus sattui loivassa mutkassa, jota reunustaa muutaman metrin matkalta metallikaide. Nuorten BMW – merkkinen henkilöauto suistui tieltä, kun kuski yritti väistää tiellä ollutta rautapalkkia. Auto törmäsi kaiteeseen, joka antoi periksi ja tämän jälkeen auto pyörähti katon kautta ojaan, jossa se kiilautui kahden puun väliin. Kuski ja toinen etupenkillä istuneista pääsivät autosta omin jaloin, mutta kuskin vieressä istunut kuoli myöhemmin sairaalassa saamiinsa vammoihin. Takapenkillä istuneiden kolmen nuoren pois saamiseksi tarvittiin palokuntaa leikkaamaan auton kattoa irti. Takapenkillä istuneet kuolivat vammoihinsa onnettomuuspaikalla elvytysyrityksistä huolimatta. Kuskin vammojen vakavuudesta ei ole vielä tietoa. Menehtyneet olivat 17-18 vuotiaita.

Alkoholilla ei ollut osuutta asiaan, mutta tapahtumahetkellä auton epäilleen ajaneen lievää ylinopeutta.

Tiellä olleen rautapalkin alkuperää ei tiedetä. Poliisi jatkaa tapauksen tutkintaa.
Tällä ei nyt varsinaisesti ole summarya, mutta prologin lopun lehtiartikkeli sopii mun mielestä summaryks, koska se nyt vaan kertoo aika hyvin mistä tää lähtee ja Tomin tilanteen. Muutenkin sen kuvaus sopii aika hyvin muuhun ficciin, joten se saa nyt toimia väliakasena summaryna.

Eli siis joo. Tom on väkivaltaisesta himasta kotoisin oleva teini, jolle tanssi on koko elämä. Kuitenkin Tom ja Tomin kaverit ajavat kolarin ja kaikki muut paitsi Tom kuolee. Bill taas on näkönsä menettänyt teini, joka elää kulissipoikaystävänsä kanssa, koska Billin poikaystävä haluaa jotenkin hyvittää Billille näön menettämisen. Billin ja Tomin tiet kohtaavat ja siitä syntyy enemmän kuin suuri soppa, mutta myös todella ihmeellinen kolmenkimppa kuvio. Joo.

Mutta tää ficci. Oikeesti. Ninnukka on nero ja ihan helvetin hyvä kirjottaja. Se osaa kirjottaa ja kaikki mitä oon Ninnukalt lukenu on todellakin ollu mahtavia ja tää ei oo poikkeus. Jokainen tunne on kuvattu niin törkeen hienosti ja kaikki tuntuu luonnolliselta ja todelliselta.  Tähän todella pääsee sisään ja rakastuu jokaseen sanaan, mä oon rakastunu jokaseen sanaan, enkä jaksa ees oottaa seuraavaa osaa, jonka tulemiseen menee taas se puol vuotta, mutta tässä tapauksessa se on mun mielestä ihan sen arvosta.

Ylipäätään Yli kaiken -ficissä kaikki tuntuu samaan aikaan mahdolliselta, mutta samalla mikään ei tunnu mahdolliselta. Hahmoille voi tapahtua mitä vaan, vaikka tuntuu että ne elää täydellisesssä loukussa, josta ei oo pois pääsyy. Kaikki noi kohtalot kietoutuu niin tiiviisti toisiinsa ja saa kaiken näyttämään todella aidolta ja että tää todella vois olla jonkun elämä. Alamäkeä alämäen perään, joo.

En mä tiiä. Täst on vaikee sanoo mitään hienoa, koska en tiiä mihin tää tarina tulee menemään tästä. Okei. Tiiän että Tom ja Bill menee yhtee ja ehkä dumppaa sen kolmannen tyypin ja sitten jotain.. En tiiä. Ehkä ne alkaa tanssimaan kahdestaan, ehkä ne kuolee tohon elämään, ehkä ne löytää pelastuksen tai ihan mitä vaan. Mut mä toivon et tää ei jää kesken ja et tähä tulee onnellinen loppu. Jos joku ficci ansaitsee onnellisen lopun, niin mun mielst se on tää ficci. Joo.

Mut todellaki kannattaa lukee, koska tää nyt vaa on niiin mahtava. jooo.

sunnuntai 10. kesäkuuta 2012

Coup de Foudre [Naruto, SasuNaru, NC-17]

Coup de Foudre by dax11
An arranged marriage between royals for the purpose of an alliance between their countries. As they say, all is fair in love and war. SasuNaru
Horses, like really, horses? And I thought I was too picky with the stories I read. This fic.... Okey. I can't get over the fact that there are horse breeds. Akhalteke and Friesian, really. There was like this little, minor detail about those breeds but still, you can see the resemblance.

But besides the horse breeds there is this crazy marrige thing between these two. Sasuke is this king and Naruto has been forced to marry him because of some benefits. They havent had sex yet and now Sasuke has to have fuck Naruto. Okey. Yea. Thats it.

Maybe this is PWP (porn without plot). But I'm not so sure, there is this kinda plot in there but I don't know if I can say that it really is a plot. So yea. Maybe, maybe not.

Anyways. I don't have any idea what I read and thats it. This was good written, really. There just were a couple things that were kinda bad and didnt get enough explanations and was kinda out of contect. So this was good even when there was a couple errors. But yea. Worth of reading.

perjantai 8. kesäkuuta 2012

Stranger Island [Naruto, SasuNaru, NC-17]

Stranger Island by wishmaker101
Being coworkers didn't necessarily mean they had to get along. As unexpected events unfold, Sasuke learns to see that he isn't always right with judging others. SasuNaru
Okey. What did I just read? I have no idea. Like really. First they were filming and then there was party and then the storm and finally that island... The whole fic doesn't make any sense to me. But still I kinda liked it. Yea.

But Sasuke is some big actor and so is Naruto. They make this ninja series and ends up the final party to celebrate the first season's airing or something. Then Sasuke just wents outside and Naruto follows but then comes this big storm and they almost drowns. Yea. Somehow they survives from all that and ends up in an island. There then shit happens and thei start bonding and I really didn't get the ending..

So... An oneshot that doesn't make any sense to me. Well, everything in this was logical, expect the ending that I didn't get but whatever. Every character and what happened in their minds and so on was logical. Their bonding and all that. And this wasn't even so much cliche than you would think. There was a couple cliches but those werent so bad. Actually they were cliches that I haven't thought to be cliches until recently. So not so bad.

Okey. Have to say but I thought that whole island part was a dream or something. And in the end they would just wake up and realize how they had seen the same dream and go on from there. Yea. But I don't know if the ending was disappointment or not.

Right now I'm really big questionmark about this and I think I'm gonna stay like that for a long time. Well untill I forget the whole fic but thats just minor thing. Ha.

tiistai 5. kesäkuuta 2012

Roadtrip Chapter [Naruto, SasuNaru, NC-17]

Roadtrip by Dattebayo1987Chan
Sasuke ended his relationship with Naruto seven years ago. Due to circumstances, the two are forced on a minor road-trip together, and Sasuke starts to remember why he loved Naruto. SasuNaruSasu Yaoi AU Lemon
 First I thought this could be something new and fresh. Not some cliche with every living cliche. But I was wrong, so wrong.

So. Sasuke broke up with Naruto because... well that part wasnt explained there at least I didnt notice which is just stupid. And then seven (?) years later they meet at the airport and start a roadtrip together cuz it's just possible that all the planes are full and so are trains and busses and other public transports. Of course Sasuke has to be the one who rented the last car also. So they have to spent a day together and travel. And the whole trip they just think how they should go together and thats it. Yea I know, you know already how this is gonna end. But I'm not gonna tell you any yes or no, so go read it if you really want to know.

Anyways. I don't think there was so much things I liked. The writing style was kinda boring and everything (except the one thing I wanted to know) was explained. The explains were full of cliches and it just made me feel like they did everything because these characters are suppose to always do those things. There just weren't that nice playing with the characert. It was like this has to go this way because it has always went this way and I don't really like that. There are way too many fics with cliches and there isnt any reason to read thousands of same fics, or is there?

I don't wanna just mock this and tell how crappy this fic was. I don't really think that so many people even finds this crappy at all. But I just didn't like this. The main reason is all the cliches. Everything in this fic is cliche. From the beging how these two are doomend to be together even when they broke up in the past. And then how they are still attracted to each other and how they give up in the end. I think my opinion would have changed so much if the ending was different from Naruto's choices. If he had made different choice in the end I think I would like this fic. Because it would totally have changed the whole fic and the cliches wouldnt have been so bad. Really. But not so many writer want to do that kinda endings, so yea.

So. I don't know... The teaching of this fic is that don't put every friggin cliche into an one fic, its not cool, its just plain stupid and boring. Make something up and space the things up. Just try to do something new and exciting and maybe I'm gonna like it too. But just now, this is too cliche for me. I have read thousands of this kinda fics and thats not fun after a hundret, so try to understant me.

Okey. I don't think this was totally disastear fic. There is good and  I read the whole fic so thats saying something. So read it and make your own opinion of it. This is just my opinion.

maanantai 4. kesäkuuta 2012

Objects Of Desire [Harry Potter, Sev/Herm, H/D, Abuse, Torture, Drugs, Non-consensual Sex, NC-17]

Objects Of Desire by Azrael
Finnish translate/ Suomennos : Objects Of Desire by kevv
I didn't find more translates but comment if you know one. I'm more than happy to add them here.
After the war has ended the Dream Team return to Hogwarts to finish their NEWTS. They soon learn that there is more to real life than playing the hero, and that relationships come in varying shades of gray.
This fic is fricking long. There is like 20 chapters, prologue and epilogue. And if that is not enough, most of the chapters also have 2-8 parts, like really. So together there are 59 "chapters" that has on average 7700 words (together this all has somethin like 454 285 words and i don't even wanna know how many pages that is gonna take). So the first thing I wanna say is that Azrael is friggin crazy, no-life person who wrote this much almost perfect stories without getting anything back and that is one hell of thing. No shitting here.

And then comes the plot which is fuckin complex. First of the all, the war is over and people are surviving somehow and the world going on there somewhere. Then students have been albe to come and finnish their studies that they couldnt do last year. And then there this show coming about Death Eaters and Voldemort and bleh.

But after that we get to that school where Draco has major issues with his parents that are rotting in that frickin museum thing about Death Eaters. So Draco is a mess and he is coping with lots of shit coming from "the good side". Potter ofc is kinda mess too. Ron is a mess because of his abusive girlfriend. And then Ron has drugproblem because of that girlfriend (if I remember correctly, so long I don't even think it is possible to remember even half of this). Then Herminone.. Ou god. Okey, lets just say Hermione finds herself being actracted to Snape.

What else? Well that was everything in nutshell and explaining everything would take friggin eternity. For example how Harry and Draco became first some kinda friends and then kissed or what was Hermione and Snape's firts date or even the first night spendin together in a closet . Of course I can't forget the deal Hermione, Harry and Ron made how they should lose their virginity. Then there is of course this crazy guy who is way too obsessed with Lucius Malfoy and how he gets his hands on Draco. Then there is this plan how to save Lucius and the ending you wouldn't have imagine.

Anyways this is way too long fic for me to read but i read this none the less and have to say I'm proud of that and I'm totally worshiping the ground under Azrael's feet, really. And then there are these crazy people who have translated this. People are just plain crazy.

Okey. I liked this because there were so many details and those details worked togethter so well. Azrael really played the world right and invented new magic things and they worked and had limits. Every character grew in this story and the happenings changed them and really had a big affection to everyone. Especially you can see this chance in Ron. He had some friggin big problems but he survived and lives. Then of course there is Draco who gets in middle of things you wouldn't want even your enemy to experience.

Then there is that whole plan how to rescue him from his suffering. Everything in that is so detailed and perfect. I don't even belive that there is even one flaw in that part. And after they have discovered how Lucius did whatever he did there was everything how to rescue him and every potion and making those potions and lots of ingredients. There are so many names and how Azrael had had to make them up and remember all of them.. Azrael has really seen so much trouble of making this fic that I can't even give enough credit about all the work. And then the whole work is so perfect and flawless. I don't even know how to describe all of that. Gosh.

Of course this story also contains one way how Voldemort went down. It's good and I liked it. It also contains something more deeply meaning than just Voldemort's death it has something to do with other characters and their destinys. Then there are also some ghosts from the first books to haunt the characters and make them to do things. This just contains so many different things from the books that makes it so much Potter-like but there are also lots of things that has been invented only for this fic. All those things make this kinda incredible.

There is only one thing I don't like in this story and its that crazy old dude who is some director and in responsible of that museum thing. That crazy idiot makes Draco and his dad's life living hell and almost kills Draco. Then I don't like how that affects Harry and Draco's realationship, even when that whole thing is just so logical. But those things are plot and plot doesn't always have to be the thing we love all the time... so I don't so mind about those things.

But Objects of Desire is a fic you should totally read, especially if you are looking for some long fic that you wanna drown and read and read and read. This is worth to read, belive me. I fell in love and I'm plannig to read this again but have to first find time to read this cuz I know I can't stop reading after I have started and it's gonna take awhile to red the whole thing. So read and comment to Azrael and tell how good work they have done. Really. They deserve that.

sunnuntai 3. kesäkuuta 2012

Sidelined [Tokio Hotel, TB]

Sidelined by heldRose
When you know you deserve better; but know you could never find better. 
I don't know. I just don't know. I only oppened this cuz this had somethin like 11 comments and I thought this could be good, and this was, but I still don't know.

The idea of Sidelined is that Tom isnt home so much and Bill is becoming anxious. Bill can't bring himself to start the fight or make Tom to regonize how lonely and depressed Bill really is. And when Bill finally yells at Tom it doens't really end good. Nothing in this fic ends good. I don't know what to think about that.

This kinda reminds me about those abusive realtionships where there is beating and other abusing. And in TB fic, especially TB fic where they are twins, I don't like it at all. I hate it, really really hate it. Okey, I don't even think it would be possible that the twins relationship could even be abusing anyways. It just feels so unreal.. I don't know about this fic.

Well I liked how this fic was written. It was good and felt real and everything just show how depressing everything is in Bill's life in this fic. Everything felt so real and it was easy to adapt Bill's thoughts. And that was the main reason why I read all the 7172 words. Yea.

But that still doesn't really change my feeling about this. I still don't know what to say or what to feel... This just is so unthouchtable.

perjantai 1. kesäkuuta 2012

It Started Over Coffee [Naruto, SasuNaru, NC-17]

It Started Over Coffee by Rasengan22 
Naruto's polite gesture wins him a new friend. A very witty, charming one at that. Sasuke/Naruto.
I fell in love with this from the begin. I don't think it even took a sentenced for me to fall in love. It Started Over Coffee is just so cute and innocent when its at the same time also so raw and its not so innocent after all. I dont know. But this really feels so frickin innocet and the same time it isnt. So yea. Innocent but not so innocent.. Makes so much sense, I know.

However. Naruto sits in Starbucks and Sasuke walks in and needs a place to sit. So they start talking and then they starts drinkin and ends up in Sasukes place and so on. But they don't fuck or anything like that. They talk about fuckin and they talk about their relationship and so on. Of course they kiss but thats only a detail.

The whole fic with 11 chapters isnt only about that one night but I'm not gonna spoil you and tell what else happens that would just be stupid. But the 11 chapter is about how Naruto falls for a guy and figures he isnt so straight anymore and how these two gets together. And that is the reason why this is so innocent: Naruto is so naive and innocent with Sasuke and their relationship with each other.

But It Started Over Coffee isnt so innocent because Sasuke and Naruto arent new at the whole sex thing and they can get dirty with each other and talk naughty and do dirty things. Even when Naruto is new at gay sex and gay relationship he still can be same naughty, dirty Naruto. I really can't say if this is innocent or not. Really. So this has to be both.

And then after all that happenings and scenes there is their dialogue. It feels so real and their lines isnt just text, they are almost like they were alive and real people were talking. I don't think I have ever read such a good dialogue than this has. And that says a frickin lot.

I have to take a quatation from fic to show you. I don't think you would other ways belive me.
"I'm not that strange. I'm just hyped up on caffeine. Which you bought me, by the way. And I like to make conversation with strangers. I'm a people person, and you're sort of interesting."
"Sort of?"
"Yeah well, I didn't want it to go to your head or whatever. So what's your cat's name?"
"Uh, it doesn't have one."
"Your cat doesn't have a name? Is this like a Breakfast at Tiffany's thing? Do you just call him Cat?"
"I don't call him anything. He belonged to my mom, and when she died a few years back, I took him."
"So you've had him for years but never named him? Let's think of a name now. You've got to name him, Sasuke!"
Okey. I didn't really have the energy to go and really find a perfect dialogue part but this has to do it now. Anyways this is really, really good and if you don't find any other reason why to read this I have to say that the dialogue is the almost perfect (because nothing is perfect) reason to read this fic. Really. Fucking go at least check out the frickin dialogue. I love it and I hope you will love it too. And now I have to go and write a couple word to Rasengan22 and tell how much I love this dialogue. So really. Go and read it.