lauantai 8. marraskuuta 2014

Gunpowder Grey, Flashes of White [James Bond, James Bond/Q]

Gunpowder Grey, Flashes of White by oldamongdreams
It was Sherlock who first told Quentin that most people didn’t see Vivaldi as a never ending string of pale blue lines, the Prime Minister’s voice on the telly as a thick paint stroke of forest green, the sound of the traffic when they ventured into London as gunshot blasts of grey and red and orange.
(Or, the one where Q has Synaethesia)
Again one of these fics where Q has some kinda disability. Or maybe not so much disability but more like some annoying ability that disturbs his life more than you could first think. But other than that the whole seeing sounds as colours sounds kinda cool. Maybe a little bit a drag but cool none the less.

So. The whole fics point is probably how Q has learned to deal with that thing and how that ability has lead him to computers. And, in the end, how Bond reacts to Q's ability. Probably  I missed some important part of the fic but nah, less spoiling is always great.

The things I liked.... I have no idea. Everything probably. How Q is Q and deals with stuff. How Bond is Bond and Eve is Eve and so on. Everything. And maybe that is enough this time. Hope so at least.

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