lauantai 21. heinäkuuta 2018

Loved Me Back to Life [Deadpool, Deadpool/Cable, Nc-17]

Loved Me Back to Life by 13thDoctor, JHarkness
When Cable had declared he’d stick around a little longer in Wade’s timeline, Wade didn’t expect him to squeeze his triangular shoulders into the cab’s backseat and head back to the X-Mansion with the rest of the team.
Okay. This thing is full of small details from the movies. Like full of them. Seriously. And that somehow makes this even better. One other pretty good part of this was the storytelling style. It reminds so much of Deadpool's ranting that I just can't not like it. Just perfect.

The one part I can't really figure out is how this works so well. How these two stay in character so well and still makes it look so good in the fic. Like everything is just so perfect with these two. Perfect in a way that it makes sense and works, not necessarily perfect like this is perfect life stuff. But you get what I mean.

And so I am really addicted to reading these. Hopefully, I keep finding more awesome fics and people keep writing these. Because I will read a shit ton of more of these. I promise that. In the meantime , read this, leave comments and kudos. Just make the authors feel loved in general. Thank you!

lauantai 7. heinäkuuta 2018

Processing [Deadpool, Deadpool/Cable, Nc-17]

Processing by manic_intent
“You know, time travel stories are seriously lame,” Wade said, as he lay on the couch. “It all goes down to ‘if you can go back in time, why don’t you kill Hitler?’ which is a polarising way to look at it. No wonder it pissed off test audiences.”


“I mean, I’ve only ever liked one time travel story ever. A Sound of Thunder. Some asshole steps on a butterfly and fucks things up for everyone. Story of my life, right there.”
I am kind of still processing this whole pairing. Like how can Cable stand Deadpool so long without losing his mind? Okay. We can skip that. But still. This is kind of weird somehow but not that weird? I don't I'm making that much sense right now.

So the point here is that this may be my new OTP (fuck you 00Q and FrostIron and others). Like Cable, just pure awesome (also he saved Deadpool's life, there is that) and Deadpool. I don't think I have to say anything else about Deadpool at this point.

This fic, on the other hand, is everything you need to get into this awesome pairing. Like literally everything. They will have the snark and Deadpool will rant they fuck. Or something. But they are so true to the characters and everything is kind of peaceful and awesome. And I need more words to replace the word awesome.

But seriously. Check this fic out and more important, the check this pairing out. Totally fucking worth it.
Inch by every glorious fucking inch.

maanantai 2. heinäkuuta 2018

#librarynerd [Teen Wolf, Sterek, Oneshot]

#librarynerd by yodasyoyo
“I’ll likely get far more done in the group if I’m not distracted watching you with your pen--”

“My--My pen?”

“Pens. Drinking straws. Don’t act like you don’t know,” Derek says darkly. “You know.”


In which Stiles follows Scott into his Spanish study group, takes one look at the hot nerd who runs it and then decides to stay... even though he doesn't actually speak Spanish.
Um. Yea. These two. Okay. This is just these two being idiots and finally getting together. And it feels liks I have written that same sentence a dozen of times. Maybe I have? Who knows. Who cares. All the fics are the same in some level. So go with it. Or not. At least I liked this one.