maanantai 14. lokakuuta 2019

The D Word [Dean/Shane, Dean/OFC, crossover, Nc-17]

The D Word by Hope


Can people just write fics full of random characters (either girls or that somehow turn into girls) that just find some reason to get to L.A. and fuck Shane? Because I liked this idea. This was just a pretty fucking awesome idea.

Okay. The truth is that there wasn't so much about Shane. She was pretty much a hollow person who just fucked everyone and Dean was the flavour of the week. Or a month or something like that.

And maybe Dean was a little bit hollow too. Like he just went with the whole being a girl thing. No panic, no inner turmoil or anything deeper than that. He just went with it, had fun with and was like whatever, I'm a lesbian now.

The thing is, I liked the idea and I liked everything about this. I just, I would love to read more of this, I would love to get deeper into this. I would love anything more with slutty Yoda Shane in it. I just want to read more L Word fics and I want them to be good. Like really good. This was good, not denying that. I just want more. Okay. More, please.

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