007 is the perfect assassin, an artificial intelligence with the ability to think for itself. Human emotions were never meant to be part of its programming, and Q was never meant to be anything more than its creator.To be honest I had no idea what to expect from this one when I started. Probably something along magic and something impossible at the end. But probably not anything that this fic was in the end. Yea.
Still... No wait. I have no idea what my feelings are towards this. I have no idea what to think about this one. The only thing Im pretty certain is that this was good, the plot was good and the writing was good. Everything else? Still a huge questionmark to me.
There are just so many things I don't understand (Q doesn't undestand, probably no one does) and lots of stuff that makes zero sense. On the other hand all those things are kinda logical. Not sure how to explain it without actually spoiling the whole thing. Then there are a lot of things I don't know what to think about.
Just. The whole fic is full of things that I just don't know how to react or think or anything. Just plain questionmark. And that probably one reason why I just had to keep reading and why I still want more, just more. I want to understand and get more knowledge and just get all that info that I ever could get.
Yea. Starts to sound more logical and better. Yea. Totally worth it. Seriously. So worth it. ♥
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