perjantai 12. tammikuuta 2018

Sunrise, once more [Supernatural, Destiel, Nc-17]

Sunrise, once more by 60r3d0m
It’s the sun rising. It’s what he thinks as he’s walking back to the cabin, where Jack and Sam will pretend that his eyes aren’t swollen red, where they’ll pretend that they didn’t see him cry as hard as he did. But the great light that comes from behind him isn’t that. The fire that ignites from the heart of the pyre isn’t the goddamn sun.

It’s Cas.

(fix-it coda for 13.01 where Cas comes back because I miss him)
I almost put a warning to the title how this is super sad and makes you want to cry. Maybe I should make a tag for stuff like that. Maybe. Too lazy to do stuff like that, seriously.

But to be honest. Dean is sad. Everyone is sad. And maybe Dean become a dad by accident. Kind of. Maybe. I don't know. I have no idea what happened in the episode that Cas died (when writing this, I have not watched it and probably wont watch it in the next forever, so) and I kind of don't want to even know.

But this. This bag of sad fur is depressing. It is sad. It is full of tears. And I just want to read it again. Fuck that. Just go, read and cry. And don't be that happy about it. Just no.

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