perjantai 16. helmikuuta 2018

The perils of doing your homework in public [Teenwolf, Vampire Diaries, Damon/Stiles, cross-over]

The perils of doing your homework in public by Shadecat
-Since when had doing your homework in a coffee house been an invitation to be kidnapped?-
Stiles and Damon as I promised. Ha!

Okay. But in all seriousness, Stiles is an awesome character. He is stills ball of nervous energy and just smart. He is everywhere at the same time and his mind in all the fics is just pure gold. Then you add Damon who is this mysterious dark guy who no one can really crack. Except all that being selfis part.

Anyways. The best part of this fic was actually none of that but the end where Damon makes Stiles to forget and we have this insight what it kind of could be when a vampire decides that you don’t need to remember something. Just how Stiles doesn’t have memories but he has these feelings that are therea and make him kind of remember but not really.

Yea. That was the best part and the part that will make me to read this whole thing again at some point. Or find some other fics with that awesome elements. So please. Read this, make the author feel loved, leave comment, leave kudos. Anything. This is gold. Awesome. Perfect. I’m in love.

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