What They Do by Haylz
The twins find themselves in a sexual rut, but only Bill can really see a problem. Then things get much worse.
Okey. Seriously. I have read this one like a thousand times already and I still feel like I wanna read this again. This is just so goood and Haylz is just so good writer and everything. God.
But anyway What They Do is a story about twins that have been together so long that the magic is almost gone already and everything is just a big old routine where sex is nonexcisting. There are lots of these small scenes where the twins have normal evenings together and how they think and do but wont do anything to make everything better. And almost every scene Bill wants to change things but things just doesnt turn like Bill imagined them to turn.
Then there comes big break and everything starts to go normal again and yea. The ending is good is all Im saying.
This is one of those fics that I would just love to crap million quotes out of the whole thing and only show you how really good fic this is. And its so hard to say in words and tell you everything Im thinkin because I dont even do know what Im thinkin by myself. Fuck this is hard.
Sad is one word to describe this one. Their whole break up so sad and it affects to everyone and somehow it makes everyone else feel sad too. I wanna say beautiful kinda sad but I dont know if you can say something like that. How even sad can be beautiful? Dunno but thats how I feel.
Then this is beautiful but I explained everything about that already so... this is also really sweet and charming. And only because twins are charming and sweet and nice guys and then this.. Yea.
Maybe I could also say this one feels so real, like this could totally be happening out there somewhere (maybe the persons arent twins or anything related but good friends or something like that) and these could be their thoughts. I can so believe in every word in this fic.
And the title. Seriously. It so fits in this one. Gosh. And I totally run out of the nice words and words in general. Gosh. I wanted this fic to have a huge awesome post in my blog and tell everyone how in love I am and how everyone should read this. But it looks I cant do that without sounding too much like a fangirl (well Im that so why destroy a true image, dunno). Read this and tell what you think and maybe this could have that big part of my blog. Yeaaaaah.
“And now you don’t,” Tom finishes for him. Bill says nothing, and it’s all the answer Tom needs. “Well I guess that’s that then.” It’s done, over. Thank you and good night.
He must be in shock because he doesn’t know how he ended up in the bathroom, but he knows how his dinner ended up in the bottom of the toilet, he felt it coming, the whole way up.
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