'"Matt, you are the only person who can stand to be around Mello for any real length of time without feeling the urge to punch him in the face; this was bound to happen eventually." Just what was I getting myself into? ' M&M slash AU. Matt's POV.There are lots of other parings too (L/Light, Light/Misa, Matt/Wedy, Near/Linda and so on) but they arent on spot light, more like they are just happening there somewhere... So yea. Its still full Mello/Matt fic.
Jeb. So the plot. Matt is in love with Mello and Mello is in love with Matt. The whole fic is all about how the other doesnt know about the others feelings and how they hurt each other because of it and how messed up their life really is around that fact. Yeb.
Okey. So. This was different. I dont know if I can say different like normally fics are different more like this is different in Mello/Matt fic world. I havent really read that many fics with them both in love with each other and the other more or less in oblivion about his feelings. But if you forget the Mello/Matt world thing there I would say this is pretty much the most cliche fic in the whole world.
The writing on the other hand was good, like really good. I just couldnt stop reading this. The whole fic disturbed my whole day because I just wanted to read it to the end and forget all the other shit. Ha.
But on the other hand there was nothing new. All the new was how it all went to Mello/Matt paring world and thats. So if you wanna read some cliche and Mello/Matt and you dont wanna suffer from shitty writing this is totally worth for your time. But if you just cant stand the cliches anymore this may not be a fic for your taste. Yeaa.
And I should probably soon stop blogging only about Mello/Matt fics and write about somethin else... But we will see. Ha.