Avengers High School AU. Loki's a nerd. Not just any kind of nerd. But a huge nerd. With a heart of lead. Why Tony Stark has taken an interest in him is beyond anyone's imagination. Maybe he wants to socialize him. He possibly sees the advantages of Loki being super cool. Or maybe, just maybe, Tony wants to be his friend, which is probably the most far fetched reasoning yet.First of all if fic's name is a line from Star Wars, I have to read the fic. Yup. And second of all listening 3 Doors Down - Heaven while reading the last chapter was awesome idea, just perfect compination. Yup. The third thing was how I want to marry the writer (and then the wedding march has to be the Imperal March, jeb). Yup. And Im not even afraid of admitting how nerdy I am and how this fic has made me feel even more nerdy than I was feeling before (but seriously if studying computer science and becoming engineer isnt nerdy enough for me, then this fic can prove to you that Im more nerdy than that).
And what else? Yea. This whole thing is all about being nerd and understanding Star Wars, Star Trek, Quantum Leap and what else series there were. So if you just dont know who Spock or Kirk or Anakin or Luke is just dont even bother. It would also be awesome to know which one is R2D2 and which one C3PO. Yea. But seriously. Thats the whole fuckin fic. No kidding.
Okey. Maybe there are some high school kinda things and how Tony is a whore and wants to make Loki more social and how Loki just pranks when he is bored to death and how some people are just so geek and some just dont understand what it means to be geek. And I kinda found the heaven.
But lets get serious for a while. The writing isnt the best thing in the world but there are just some fucking awesome things. Like that sarcasm, or that awesome flirting that no one probably gets. But those are things that made me fall in love. This also needs more inside info than some fics and I loved that. I really did. Because at the same time this thing was the whole fandom scene from the scratch to the heaven. This kinda explained what it means to be part of a fandom and how much it affects to a people, even when no character wasnt really a part of any fandom...
Anyways. I wanted to post this on my birthday because this fic is kinda my life from that Darth Vader figure to those little clone troopers figures (or whatever they are written) and how you just are what you are and you have to just live with it. Yup. And yeaa.
This blogs idea was probably to write something about the fics but its my birthday and I loved this and I just want more. Yup. So. Suck it and read it if you think you know enough of those fandoms.
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