keskiviikko 30. toukokuuta 2012

Renewing Changes [Naruto, NaruSasu, NC-17]

Renewing Changes by Fourangers
"Oh crap." Muttered the blond. Sometimes, there's something worse than one-night stands. It's called we're-doing-this-because-we're-going-to-die-tomorrow desperate sex. Too bad they didn't in the end. NaruSasu, AU.
My first thought about this was something like is it really possible to be fucking before earthquake. Because, what I know, its almost impossible to predict a eartquake, but I still continued to read this. And in the end the whole earthquake part was good and didn't suck with minor things. Everything got their reason and yea. But I'm not gonna spoil the fun for you guys.

However the plot. Naruto is an architect and Sasuke is some big CEO. The big Uchiha Corporation hires Naruto to desing some building and that is the begin of their weird friednship. They hate each other and then they fucks each other without any reason. Only after Naruto starts to think his feelings for Sasuke starts their realtionship really build up. But then Sasuke fucks up million times and then Naruto run aways and so on. It gets really cliche after awhile.

Still I read it. It was good, no denying here. I liked how one thing lead to another and how the past had effect for their actions. Anyways that is one thing i really respect in every fic. The thing that everything has something to do with everything. The things happens because of reason and the character just doesn't do it because it fits them. Yea. That thing was the best part of this fic.

The things I didn't like was all the cliche things. How Sasuke only realizes how stupid he is after he loses Naruto and how Fugaku isnt such a bad guy after all and how Naruto gives up in the end and all that happy ending crap. Ofc I would have hated this fic if those two hadnt gotten together but I still don't like how cliche was the whole happening how they got together. I belive that Fourangers could have make it so much better and cliche free if they had wanted. Well, I dont know what they thought while doing this and if this was how they wanted to finish this fic. And so that is only my opinion.

Anyways. I loved Shikamaru in this one. He was such a good friend and still such a lazyass genius. Normally I'm not so big one of his but in this one I really fell for him. Totally. And then I kinda liked Itachi too, even when he was only in two or three chapters (or maybe less). But his thoughts and how he tried to think everyone without being ooc.

But I don't think that I'm gonna read this again. This was good and all but this still doesn't reach to that point that I want to read this again. Yea. Still I recommend you to read this. Its not so crap and I'm just really, really picky when I'm reading fics. You should really read this.

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