maanantai 25. maaliskuuta 2013

Let It Snow [Naruto, NaruSasu, NC-17]

Let It Snow by FastForward
The last thing Sasuke wanted to do for Christmas was be stuck in the middle of nowhere with buckets of snow and an annoying neighbour who won't leave him alone. NaruSasu.
I read this first time like a year ago or something like that. And I fell in love with this withing the first chapter. Okey. I have to admit right now that this is not perfect or even near perfection, there is one or two seriously big flaws in there but the story wouldnt work without those flaws so Im not gonna bitch about them so much. Ha.

The plot is all about how everyone is just so damn rich and how the kids suffer from it. Sasuke have to spend the christmas in England and he cant stand snow or christmas so you can guess how he hates every moment of it. And Naruto is this stupid not as rich as everyone else but still pretty damn rich. You know they hook up and have fantastic time and they do lots of different things together. Well the normal crap in every fic.

The drama in this one is Kiba and Sasuke and how Naruto cant introduce them to each other... cuz ? Well Naruto is stupid and makes reasons that doesnt even make sense in his head. Yea. But its not as crappy as it sounds. Its good and this would be boring without all drama in Narutos head. Hahhaha. And that didnt just sound so wrong. Whatever.

But I said there were couple seriously big flaws. Like seriously big flaws. Firs of all. In Great Britannian there isnt 75cm snow. Just now way in hell. And if there is even 10cm snow the whole fucking country is in panick and schools would be closed and shops and all the fucking places and road blocked cuz its just too dangerous for the people to be driving. And in this one there is snowing all the fucking time and they have to clear the driveway almost every day in this one. And even if there is like 10cm snow you wouldnt have to do that cuz there isnt a normal car in the whole fucking world that couldnt just drive over that snow and it wouldnt be okey. So there is snowing like seriously much and its not British stuff. Just no way in hell.

I think I could bitch all about that but Im not gonna cuz Naruto and Sasuke meets over the cleaning the driveway and its good thing and I liked that cuz it was different and original and unique. So I think I just have to shut it and let fiction be fiction where there can be 1m snow in fucking England and not raining. Yea.

Anyways. The good things ? humm... Roleplaying in real life to keep things interested, way too real conversations:
"It's not a broom, you know."
"The shovel you're holding? It's a shovel. Not a broom. Stop sweeping the snow, it's taking you twice as long as it should be."
"And what do you know about shovelling snow?"
"Uh, a lot, considering I spend Christmas here every year, and every year, I'm the one outside shovelling the driveway."
"Well if you're such a damn expert, why don't you come over here and shovel my driveway?"
"And miss out on watching you gripe and moan? Not a chance, princess."
"Fuck you, dumbass."
And then their chemistry. Its like awesome and how they dont fight it and how they are real people over it. They arent just fighting or fucking, more they are all the time doing everything to piss each other off and trying to have their own way with the other the same time. Its like a big mess that somehow makes perfect sense. Kinda hard to explain but I seriously like it.

Ou. And they just dont jump to the bed right away. They built the trust and sexual tension and ofc they also consider lots of crap with it and gosh. Then there is this perfect Itachi that mixes everything just the perfect way to mess with both of them. Yeaaa.
 The only thing I dont like is that big drama Naruto makes inside his head and how he thinks Sasuke and Kiba couldnt stand each other because of reason. And that reason is just stupid and Naruto is just stupid. Okey. It kinda fits there and makes Naruto Naruto all that stupid over thinking and making decisions for other people. At the same time I like it and I dont like it. Ha. Doesnt make sense but what in my ranting could even make sense ? Nothing. So yeaa..

Anyways. If anything is worth for reading its this one. Just try and thats it.

torstai 21. maaliskuuta 2013

The Demilitarized Zone [Naruto, SasuNaru, KakaIru NC-17]

The Demilitarized Zone by michelerene
Itachi Uchiha has always had a sadistic streak when it came to his little brother. Now the perfect opportunity has presented itself and he just can’t let it go by. He does love him after all. SasuNaru
Sometimes I seriously have to rethink this whole thing about fanfics. Like seriously. Why the fuck people even bother to write stories that are almost completely the same. It doesnt matter how the fic starts or how the beging or layout is unique there just everytime is something that is the exact copy from somewhere else. Like fucking seriously.

This one, excample, was awesome in the beging. I seriously liked Sasuke and Narutos relationship and how it affected to everyone and what everyone did to keep the two separated from each other. I also liked the idea bout sending them to a camp where they have to work together and become a team. It was also a pretty logical how they worked together and how the whole fic show that. After they left that place a little bit too early and the reasoning behind that was good too and how it explained Narutos chilhood and crap. I seriously loved this fic to this point, gotta give that.

Okey. I dont know the exact point where I started to feel like I have read this all this before. There was just too much with all that adoption thing in the past where Kakashi had to fight to keep Naruto with him and Iruka. Then there was this part where I think Orochimaru kidnapped Naruto when he was five or something and how Naruto got all depressed and shit afterwards. But I havent read this whole thing (and Im really sorry to say that but Im not gonna read this one to the end, Im not gonna explain why but I think its gonna pretty clear why after you have read this post) and I dont know for sure what happened or what is gonna happen or anything.

It just gots so cliche with the whole Orochimaru is gonna cause some shitty stuff to Naruto just because he can. I would like to even have a proper reason to all that shit, money or more power or something seriously big and meaningfull but in this one I just feel that he is just gonna do it because he can do that and thats why he does that. I can be wrong and I would love someone to correct me and give a reason to read this one to the end (I have read the first 9 chapters).

But I dont wanna you think that this is one hell of big bag full of shit. Because this isnt. The writing is just so awesome and beautiful and there are so many good things in it. Especially there is lots of flashbacks that dont have the label flashback on them. The story just goes and then there is flashback that has something to do with the present, like that car cash that killed Narutos biological parents was told the same time that in the present there was another car crash. And then there was this story about Naruto and Gai's first meeting and how Naruto had to meet Gai again in the present part. It doesnt feel like coming out of nowhere because those are told in so many little pieces. The only hard part is that sometimes its hard to keep track which one is going on right now and which one is past but there isnt any problem with that if you just read the fic and concentrate on it.

Then there is this awesome writing  style that I cant describle to you, I can only show:
Floor fourteen belonged to the two Vice Presidents of the company, Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki.
And, truth be told, the situation put a whole new definition to "this town ain't big enough for you and me."
Okey. That was kinda bad excample but the others would take like seriously long quote and I dont wanna show you the whole fic, just wanna tell the best / worse parts about it. Ha. So anyways. The writing is definetly a good reason to read this one.

Yea. But because I havent and Im not gonna read this to the end please comment and tell if the end is worth for reading. Im not gonna argue with anyone about that because I dont know and right now I dont even wanna know cuz I dont like this one right (even with the awesome parts, which is seriously sad if you really think bout it). So feel free to change my mind about this one.

sunnuntai 3. maaliskuuta 2013

Locked out of Heaven [Tokio Hotel, TB, NC-17]

Locked out of Heaven by drots

Okei. drots. drots. drots. Mä voisin varmaan vetää matran omasest drotsin nimee vuoden päässäni ja edelleen virnuilla ku joku idiootti. Mut siin tuskin olis mitää järkee, vaikkakin mä oon aika damn in love with drots ja sen tuotoksien. Kute varmaa tuutte tajuu tän postaukse lopussa viimeistää. Koska tässähän ei oo mitää järkee enää.

No anyways. Bill on menossa naimisiin jonkun Judy nimisen naisen kanssa, eikä se oikein tiedä enää mitä se tahtoo. Tom on bestman ja ne pani ekaa kertaa pari viikkoo takaperin. Ja sitten ne polttareis panee uudestaa ja Bill tahtoo vaan eroo Judysta ja niistä häistä ja kaikesta. Mutta kaikki ei oo niin yksinkertast. Tai ehkä kaikki on just vaan niin yksinkertast.

Ehkä suurimman osan ajast koko ficcii olin vaa riemuissani, et jee viimein jotain luettavaa, jotain drotsin ficcei. Varmaan sen jälkee mä biletin tääl yksikseni et kui hyvä tää on ja kuin mä oon taas rakastunu.

Mut tän ficin Bill. Se oli jotain niin monimutkasta ja niin erilaisia luonteenpiirteitä täynnä, etten oikein tiiä miten sitä selittäis. Se oli jollain tasolla kuitenkin niin mahtava ja erilainen, kun yleensä hahmot on. Se ei ollu sellanen et nyt tää hahmo on tän yhenlainen, vaan ihan ku se olis kätkeny sisäänsä sata erilaista ihmistä, jotka jotenkin ihmeellisest pystyy kuitenkin toimimaan samassa kehossa niin luonnollisesti ja niin yhtenäisesti, että siitä jopa kehkeytyy vain yksi kokonainen ihminen. Äh. Vaikeeta.

Sitten on Tom, joka oikeesti on outo hahmo tässä, koska sain koko ficin ajan vaan sellasen fiiliksen, et kuin paljo sitä sattuu ja miten vaikeeta sille on olla ja tehdä noita asioita, vaikka se näkee ettei mikään oikeesti voi mennä niin tai olla niin. Ja silti kuitenkin sen haluu vaan näyttää että hei oon tän paras ystävä ja mä oon kaikessa sen takana ja vaikka mitä on mahtava tyyppi. Ehkä mä nyt ootan täs et tohon ficciin tulee joku ihme lisäys et Bill pyytää tuhannesti anteeks Tomilta, ettei se voinu olla aikasemmin niin lovey dovey Tomin kanssa. Äh. Mut toisaalt en tykkäis yhtää, jos se tulis, joten enpä taida sit valittakaa..

Mut anyways. Todellakin tää ficci. Täs on joitakin niin hienoja ja upeita tekstin pätkiä, joita oikeesti voisin pitää jopa harvinaisuuksina monestakin syystä. Äh. Haluisin vaan kertoo kaiken upeen täst, mut sit teil ei jäis mitää luettavaa ja teiä olis ihan turha avata koko ficcii, koska osaisitte sen jo ulkoo ja tietäisitte tasan tarkkaa mitä oottaa, eikä se olis reiluu.

Mutta todellakin. Kannatan todellakin lukemaan jos on mahdollisuus (eli jos on jo rekkautunu tonne foorumille tai jos nyt vaan ihan huvin ja urheilun vuoks haluu tutustuu uuteen ficcimaailmaan, ha). Koska tää todellakin ansaitsee sen mahdollisuuden. Ja näin loppuun mun on pakko ottaa pari lainausta ficistä, jotka aika hyvin edustaa näit hahmoja sillee. Et hei, menkää nyt vaa lukekaa tää. Jookos kookos.

All A-Twitter [Tokio Hotel, TB, NC-17]

All A-Twitter by elvisfan
What will happen when Bill's celebrity crush acknowledges him on Twitter?
I like elvisfan's fics, seriously. I just dont know about this one (still in progress). Right now I have this feeling I seriously like this but I cant shake off the thought that I only like this one cuz there isnt any other new TB fics that I could even like (okey, there is three or four that Im reading but its like once a month kinda reading, so not counting). So. I cant have a neutral opinion right now about any fic.

But the plot is basically just Bill being such a fan and getting Toms autograph. Then of course Tom looks after Bills ass and Bill posts a pic of himself on Twitter and then they just start talking. That is pretty much how far away the fic has gone now. Ha.

Actually Im not even sure why I am posting about this one. There hasnt happened anything, I dont have a good opinion about this one (expect that this is kinda well written and fills all my criteria).

Äh. I dont know. This is good, maybe. Maybe this is worth for reading. Maybe this is anything. I dont know yet. Maybe after there is seriously happened something or there is even a reason to read this at all I can say something. And now Im seriously hoping that will happen soon so I can update this post before I even forget that I have posted this one. Ha.

So comments would almost make this post to live or have some purpose. Cuz I cant say shit now.

Edit 25.3.13 // Right now I think the seriously perfect ending would have been at the chapter 8. Everything was perfect and they were finally together and in piece but there still would have been lots of questions. So yea. After that there starts to be lots of unnecessary drama that doesnt even make sense (to me, at least). And yea. Okey. This thing could still change but right now this is how I feel and I finally can say something about this one, which is pretty good. Ha.