so apparently zayn and louis have been living on their own separate bus for the past /two weeks/ and this is about that.Did I just seriously got stuck with fics where Louis and Zayn are smoking weed and having their own stuff when others are just in a really minor thing ? Seriously. Probably should check out my tag searches. Maybe.
But this whole thing was somehow really calm. Stuff just happened because they wanted it at that moment and no one thought anything weird about it. Like getting their own van for the tour and spending two weeks in there smoking and kissing and getting off. All of that just because it felt right and good at the moment.
Yea. Maybe I have found something I really like in this fandom. These calm, weird fics that dont actually make any sense but are mindless and easy and just plain good. Yea. So.
Read, Comment and Leave Kudos. Love ya.
Maybe they’re just big loser escapists with too much money and too much weed to ever want to think about anything.
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