torstai 20. heinäkuuta 2017

If You Asked Me If I Love Him (I'd Lie) [One Direction, Larry, Nc-17]

If You Asked Me If I Love Him (I'd Lie) by allyasavedtheday
So Harry and Louis might have fucked up.

The day of their wedding was the single most perfect moment of Louis’ life and every single day since where he’s been able to call Harry his husband has been nothing short of bliss. There’s just one teeny, tiny problem…

Their families don’t know they’re married.


Or the one where Harry and Louis eloped but neglected to mention it to anyone. Meanwhile Lottie is getting married and the only way for them to not steal her thunder is by pretending they're just friends for the weekend. Featuring Harry and Louis as terrible liars who don't know the meaning of the word platonic and some Tomlinsons and Styles's who definitely don't believe them.
I spent three days to find this. Three fucking days. All the info I had was how Louis and Harry had gotten married a while ago but hadn't told anyone about that and then the others' sister is getting married so they have to lie to their mums. Yea. All that.

That also sums up the whole story. All you have to add is how everyone is trying pair these two idiots together and how they are lying and sneaking around like teenagers. Also, it was Lottie's' wedding.

Okey. But the reason, why I am blogging about this, is all those sideline comments. How Harry is buttering Jay up because he deflowered her son and took his marriage virginity. How Louis is sneaking out from his husbands' childhood home feeling like the neighbours are watching him and making him feel like he is coming from a one night stand. Yea. There were more of those. But those are the ones I liked the best.

The other reason is that I really want to find this later, like when I want to read this again. Yea. I re-read stuff when I can't find anything new and good. But yea. Just read it. And enjoy it. Thank you.

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