Prince Wilhelm, a member of an alien race known to humanity as the Lyric, has come aboard a human ship in order to find his mate. Young ensign Tom Trumper knows very little about the Lyric, but when he runs into a particularly beautiful man dressed as a lieutenant, he might learn more than he ever bargained for...Oy my god. Kishmet's fic again. I really cant avoid reading these. These are just so awesome and good and gosh. And of course Heart's Song isnt any different with the quality. Seriously.
But basically this is just fantasy story where are these Lyrics that comes from the other world, well kinda. Bill is one of these Lyrics and trying to find his mate (surprise surprise) who is Tom (ha). Tom is just ordinary man who is working on a ship and doesnt know shit about Lyrics. So Bill ofc scares him of first but then everything just goes with lots of cliches and they are together.
Okey. This is just PWP fic. There is plot and there happens lots of other things but the main thing still is PWP. And I dont know. This is good PWP and I liked and all that shit even when I'm not so big fan of BotTom.
Anyways. I dont really have anything to say about this fic. This isnt anything special or particular. This is just another good PWP fic with some kinda plot there somewhere. Characters meet, they fuck and they spent the rest of their lives together. Thats it. But still totally worth of reading.
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